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Aliens Explained

Aliens Explained

Commonly Reported Alien Species in UFO Lore

Introduction: UFO folklore and conspiracy theories have identified several recurring “alien” species that are allegedly visiting Earth. While none of these claims are confirmed by mainstream science, they persist through eyewitness reports, abduction accounts, whistleblower testimonies, and even purported government documents. Below is a summary of the five most commonly reported alien types – their described characteristics, supposed origins, and notable incidents or sources that have popularized them.

1. Grey Aliens (“Grays”)

Gray Aliens with Saucer UFO Museum, Roswell Gray Aliens with Saucer UFO Museum, Roswell [Photo courtesy Kimble Young taken December 26, 2011]

Alien Species Reference:

Description: The Greys are the most iconic beings in UFO lore. They are typically described as short (about 3–4 feet tall) humanoids with hairless grey (sometimes greenish-grey) skin, enlarged heads, and large black almond-shaped eyes, with only small slits for nostrils and mouths

They often lack visible ears or sex organs. In UFO abduction narratives, Greys are usually depicted wearing minimal clothing or form-fitting suits and are said to communicate via telepathy.

Origins: Greys have been linked to the Zeta Reticuli star system. This association came from the famous Betty and Barney Hill abduction of 1961 – under hypnosis, Betty Hill described a “star map” shown by the aliens, which a schoolteacher (Marjorie Fish) later interpreted as the Zeta Reticuli binary system

Because of this, Greys are often called “Zeta Reticulans” in UFO literature.
Notable Incidents & Reports: Greys have dominated UFO abduction reports since at least the 1960s​
The 1961 Betty and Barney Hill case was the first widely publicized alien abduction; the couple described small beings with large eyes who took them aboard a spacecraft
The 1947 Roswell incident, while officially explained as a crashed balloon, popularized the image of “little gray men” – witnesses claimed that crash debris in New Mexico included diminutive alien bodies with large heads​
In modern disclosures, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer has publicly stated that “Short Greys” (from Zeta Reticuli) are among the species visiting Earth​
Hellyer described them as short, frail beings with oversized heads and big eyes – the type most often depicted in alien cartoons and abduction lore
Numerous other abduction cases (e.g. the Travis Walton incident of 1975 and the Allagash Abductions of 1976) also feature Grey-type entities. According to some whistleblowers, Greys are involved in secret programs: for instance, the alleged “Majestic 12” briefing documents (of disputed authenticity) describe recovered alien bodies resembling small humanoids with large heads – consistent with Greys
Overall, the Grey alien has become the archetypal “alien” in pop culture and is the predominant creature reported in close encounters​


2. Reptilian Beings (Reptoids)

Description: Reptilian aliens are described as tall (often 6–8 feet), scaly humanoids with reptile-like features. They purportedly have lizard-like or snake-like skin (green or brown and scaly), vertical slit pupils, and sometimes tails or crests. These beings are often muscular and are sometimes said to have clawed hands and feet. In some accounts they can shape-shift to appear human, which ties into conspiracy theories about them infiltrating human society.

Origins: Conspiracy lore often links Reptilians to the constellation Draco (hence they are sometimes called Draconians) or to the Orion star system​

Some narratives claim Reptilians are an ancient race native to Earth (living in subterranean caverns), while others say they’re extraterrestrials who arrived in antiquity and even influenced human evolution. Notably, ancient mythologies featuring serpent-like gods are cited as possible early evidence: for example, ancient Egypt’s crocodile-headed god Sobek is sometimes whimsically invoked as a “Reptilian” being in this context​

However, these connections are speculative. The “reptilian conspiracy theory” in modern form was popularized by author David Icke, who claims that shape-shifting reptilian extraterrestrials control many human leaders and institutions

Icke and others refer to a ruling caste of reptilian aliens (often called Annunaki or Draco in his theory) that masquerade as humans to manipulate global events.

Notable Incidents & Sources: Unlike Greys, Reptilians are rarely reported in classic UFO sighting or abduction cases – their prominence comes more from conspiracy literature and a few alleged whistleblower accounts. In the 1980s and 1990s, stories emerged of secret underground bases where Reptilians work alongside (or against) other aliens. One famous legend is the Dulce Base story – a conspiracy that claims a subterranean facility in Dulce, New Mexico houses both Grey and Reptilian beings engaged in genetic experiments. This tale originated with businessman Paul Bennewitz’s claims of intercepted “alien” signals, later embellished by others in the UFO community

Another oft-cited source is Phil Schneider, a self-proclaimed former government engineer, who alleged that in 1979 he was involved in a firefight with large Grey or Reptilian aliens in an underground base (though his story remains unverified). The Reptilian idea truly gained worldwide attention through David Icke’s books in the late 1990s. Icke has asserted that beings from Draco infiltrate human form, citing as “evidence” the so-called shapeshifting appearances of some political figures on video

Additionally, whistleblower testimonies like those of Bill Cooper and others have alluded to treaties between the U.S. government and an alien race of reptilian appearance (often intertwined with Grey alien narratives). It must be emphasized these stories are part of conspiracy lore. No declassified official document confirms the existence of reptilian aliens; however, the mythos of Reptilians remains a staple of UFO conspiracy culture, fueling everything from science fiction to internet memes about world leaders being lizards in disguise.


3. Nordic Aliens (Space Brothers/Pleiadians)

Description: “Nordic” aliens are so named because they closely resemble Scandinavian or Northern European people in appearance

They are typically described as tall (often 6 to 7 feet), human-like beings with strikingly attractive features: blue or green eyes, long blonde (sometimes white) hair, and fair skin​

Witnesses often note they are fit or even glowing in complexion. Nordics are usually portrayed as benevolent or even angelic in demeanor. They are said to communicate telepathically and emanate feelings of peace. In contactee stories, Nordic aliens often wear flowing robes or form-fitting jumpsuits and sometimes have a symbol of a winged serpent or a sun on their clothing (depending on the account). They are almost always reported as humanoid enough to pass for ordinary humans with minimal disguise.

Origins: In early UFO contactee lore of the 1950s, Nordics were commonly said to come from elsewhere in our solar system – Venus, Mars, and Saturn were popular claims. For example, contactee George Adamski claimed his Nordic-looking visitor (named Orthon) was from Venus

As our understanding of the solar system made those claims less plausible, later accounts placed Nordics in other star systems. The most famous association is with the Pleiades star cluster – hence they are often called Pleiadians. Swiss contactee Billy Meier in the 1970s asserted regular visits from a beautiful blond Pleiadian woman named Semjase, describing an advanced race from the Pleiades who wish to guide humanity. Similarly, some narratives link Nordics to Aldebaran (a star in Taurus) and even Andromeda. A few accounts, including early spiritualist UFO groups, referred to such beings as Venusians or even inhabitants of secret subterranean cities like

In sum, Nordics are portrayed as coming from various parts of the galaxy, but Pleiadian is the most enduring label.

Notable Incidents & Reports: Nordic aliens featured prominently in the “Contactee” movement of the 1950s. Contactees were individuals (like Adamski, George Van Tassel, Howard Menger, and others) who claimed peaceful encounters with human-looking extraterrestrials. For instance, in 1952 George Adamski met a “friendly, blond-haired Venusian” who emerged from a landed saucer in the California desert

Adamski and others often called these beings “Space Brothers” – benevolent visitors warning humanity about nuclear weapons and war​
Another famous case was Antonio Villas Boas (1957, Brazil) who described being taken aboard a craft and encountering a blue-eyed, fair-haired female alien with whom he (allegedly) had a sexual encounter; this being fit the Nordic profile except for having red hair. In the Travis Walton abduction of 1975 (Arizona, USA), Walton reported seeing two types of beings aboard the UFO: small greys and also human-like figures with blonde hair and indistinguishable from humans – suggestive of Nordics.

In terms of government-related lore, there is an unconfirmed but persistent story that President Dwight D. Eisenhowermet with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force Base in 1954. According to various whistleblowers and researchers, one version of this story claims Eisenhower first met a group of Nordic aliens who offered spiritual help and advised nuclear disarmament, but this offer was turned down – and a subsequent meeting led to a pact with the Greys instead. While evidence for this is anecdotal, it’s a widely repeated tale in UFO circles. More concretely, Paul Hellyer (the former Canadian official) has spoken of “Nordic Blondes” as one category of alien, even quipping that if one walked down the street you might mistake her for a Dane or other Scandinavian​

Hellyer insists multiple alien species are here, including human-looking ones, citing sources he encountered in his time researching UFOs after his government service​

Overall, Nordics/Pleiadians are usually cast as the good Samaritans of UFO lore – warning about Earth’s future, sometimes allegedly contacting private citizens to impart messages of peace. They gained renewed popularity through New Age writers in the 1980s and TV shows like Ancient Aliens, which often feature the idea of ancient Nordic-like star visitors. Though lacking proof, the consistent motif of tall, fair extraterrestrials has made the “Nordic alien” a fixture in UFO mythology​


4. The Anunnaki (Ancient “Gods” as Aliens)

Description: The Anunnaki are not typically encountered in modern UFO sightings, but rather come from ancient astronaut theories. Originally, the Anunnaki are a group of deities in Sumerian and Mesopotamian mythology – described as powerful gods or demi-gods. In those myths, they were anthropomorphic (human-like) beings, often depicted as regal figures wearing horned headdresses and flowing robes. In the 20th-century ancient-alien interpretation, the Anunnaki are re-cast as an advanced alien species who visited Earth in antiquity and were revered as gods by early human civilizations. They are often envisioned as very tall (sometimes said to be 8–12 feet), with human features (since Sumerian carvings show the Anunnaki in human form), sometimes with exaggerated eyes or craniums. Some conspiracy theorists even merge this idea with the Reptilian concept, suggesting the Anunnaki were reptilian-humanoid in true form – though this is not a universal description. In essence, the Anunnaki in UFO lore are ancient alien visitors who kick-started human civilization.

Origins: According to the pseudoscientific theories of Zecharia Sitchin – the author who popularized the Anunnaki-as-aliens idea – these beings come from a hidden planet in our solar system named Nibiru. Sitchin’s influential 1976 book The 12th Planet claimed that Nibiru is a distant, long-period planet that periodically nears Earth. The Anunnaki, a technologically advanced race from Nibiru, supposedly first arrived on Earth about 450,000 years ago in search of minerals (particularly gold)​

Sitchin interpreted Sumerian cuneiform tablets to say that the Anunnaki used their science to engineer Homo sapiens by mixing their own extraterrestrial genes with those of Earth’s hominids, creating humans as a slave species to mine gold

In his narrative, the Anunnaki were the “gods” of Sumerian myth – for example, Enki and Enlil were actually alien leaders – and they imparted knowledge to humanity (starting the first civilizations in Mesopotamia)​

Some of Sitchin’s interpretations also suggest the Anunnaki’s wars and activities are recorded in myth (e.g. he believed a nuclear-like conflict between Anunnaki factions caused ancient disasters around 2000 BCE)​
Outside of Sitchin’s work, Ancient Astronaut enthusiasts often identify the Anunnaki with the Nephilim from the Bible or other legendary giant beings, positing that these myths all refer to the same extraterrestrial visitors. Essentially, in conspiracy lore the Anunnaki are the alien progenitors of human civilization – hailing from Nibiru or elsewhere – and possibly still involved behind the scenes.

Notable Incidents & Sources: Rather than modern “incidents,” the Anunnaki legend comes from historical texts reinterpreted. The source material includes ancient Mesopotamian writings (like the Enûma Eliš and other creation epics, which list the Anunnaki as primordial gods) and how Sitchin and others read them. Sitchin’s series The Earth Chronicles(1976–) lays out the full narrative and is the key source of this theory

His ideas have since been echoed on TV shows like History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, which frequently suggests Sumerian gods were extraterrestrials guiding humanity​
No actual government documents refer to Anunnaki, but interestingly, declassified files show that intelligence agencies did monitor the popularity of such theories (for instance, a 1960s CIA report noted public fascination with Erich von Däniken’s ancient astronaut claims). In recent conspiracies, there have been unfounded claims that modern governments are aware of Anunnaki or Nibiru’s return – e.g. internet rumors misquoting NASA or leaked “NSA documents” about an Anunnaki return, all of which have been debunked. One of the only high-profile figures to mention the Anunnaki in a UFO context is Paul Hellyer; he warned that “the Anunnaki… might be returning to Earth” in the future (a statement for which he provided no source, and which aligns with Sitchin’s prophecies)​

Additionally, conspiracy author David Icke sometimes uses “Anunnaki” to refer to the ancient progenitors of his reptilian overlords theory, effectively conflating the two ideas. In summary, the Anunnaki’s “visits” to Earth are said to be recorded in ancient history rather than recent UFO sightings. Key evidence cited includes Sumerian artifacts and scriptures – for example, cylinder seals depicting human-like gods (interpreted as “aliens”), or the famous Sumerian King List which some say hints at pre-flood rulers of extraordinary lifespans (attributed to alien influence). Though mainstream scholars refute Sitchin’s translations and conclusions, the Anunnaki remain a cornerstone of the ancient alien hypothesis. The idea that “ancient gods were extraterrestrials” has resonated with many, making the Anunnaki one of the most talked-about alien species in conspiracy circles​


5. Tall Whites

Description: “Tall Whites” are often considered a subset of the Nordic alien category, but the term specifically comes from the accounts of a former USAF airman named Charles Hall and has been popularized in recent conspiracy disclosures. As the name implies, these beings are described as tall (typically 6 to 7 feet, and some even taller) and chalk-white in complexion​

They are humanoid and have several Nordic-like features (blue eyes, sometimes described with whitish or platinum blond hair) but with exceedingly pale, almost translucent skin. Hall reported that Tall Whites have larger than average eyes, which are typically blue but wrap around somewhat to the sides of their head, giving a slightly elongated appearance to the eyes​

They reportedly have thin, frail-looking bodies but are agile. Their limbs and fingers are long and delicate (four long fingers and a smaller thumb)​
Despite a delicate appearance, some accounts claim they are physically fast and strong – Hall asserted they can run faster than a human (he estimated around 40 mph) and have lifespans of several centuries​
Tall Whites purportedly wear chalk-white jumpsuits that emit a faint glowing light, and sometimes they’ve been seen wearing sunglasses or coveralls to blend in. In Hall’s interactions, he noted their speech sounded like high-pitched noises (similar to dog barking or bird chirping), though they can apparently speak English through technological devices or learned mimicry​ 

Origins: According to Charles Hall’s testimony, the Tall Whites are extraterrestrial in origin and were guests or collaborators at a U.S. military installation. Hall was told they hailed from a star in the vicinity of Arcturus, a star system roughly 37 light-years from Earth​

(Some sources say near Arcturus rather than Arcturus itself).

Interestingly, other lore sometimes confuses Tall Whites with Pleiadians – one social media snippet even claimed “Tall White Aliens are believed to be from the Pleiades” – but Hall’s account is specific to Arcturus. Hall stated the Tall Whites had established a base at Nellis Air Force Base’s range in Nevada in the 1960s, and that they were allowed to stay there and conduct their activities in exchange for limited technology sharing. The Tall White designation comes from Hall’s reports and was later picked up by others (including Hellyer). In UFO literature, they are considered a distinct species working with (or at least tolerating) the U.S. government. Their motivations aren’t described as overtly spiritual (unlike Nordics); instead they appear to be scientists or technicians monitoring Earth, with a neutral or guarded attitude toward humans.

Notable Incidents & Sources: The primary source of the Tall Whites story is Charles James Hall’s firsthand account. Hall served as a weather observer for the USAF at Nellis AFB (Nevada) in the mid-1960s. In a series of memoirs (Millennial Hospitality books) and interviews, Hall claims he spent two years interacting with a group of Tall White extraterrestrials who had a habitat in the desert near Indian Springs on the Nellis range. He describes numerous encounters: initially frightening experiences where tall luminous figures approached him, and later a sort of understanding and set of protocols was developed. Hall’s detailed descriptions (including the physical traits listed above) come from these memoirs. While no official documents corroborate this, Hall’s story gained attention in UFOlogy. In 2013, Paul Hellyer cited Hall’s accounts when he went public about aliens. In an interview, Hellyer stated: “There are the Nordic Blondes and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the U.S. Air Force in Nevada”

He even mentioned an incident where supposedly two Tall White individuals, dressed as nuns, went into Las Vegas to shop without detection​

This sensational claim by a former Defence Minister brought the Tall Whites into a wider spotlight. Apart from Hall and Hellyer, a few others have come forward with similar narratives: e.g., Paul Bennewitz (1980s) claimed that tall pale humanoids were involved in the secret Dulce base (though his assertions mixed many alien types). Also, a set of questionable “leaked” documents in 2014 (widely debunked as a hoax) alleged that NSA leaker Edward Snowden had revealed U.S. government cooperation with Tall Whites – this story was propagated by fringe outlets and even picked up briefly by some Iranian news, illustrating how the Tall White lore has permeated conspiracy culture. Additionally, investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe has interviewed individuals who claim encounters with Tall White-like beings on military sites, adding to the lore. It’s important to note there is no declassified official document explicitly confirming Tall Whites. Nonetheless, the consistency between Hall’s detailed account and Hellyer’s public statements is intriguing to UFO researchers​

Today, Tall Whites are a familiar part of UFO mythology – often depicted as the aloof, advanced visitors quietly liaising with certain military factions. Some even tie them to older stories of “Men in White” or mysterious beings in antiquity. As with all these alleged species, hard evidence is lacking, but the Tall Whites have secured a distinctive place in modern UFO folklore as one of the extraterrestrial groups potentially here on Earth.

Conclusion: From the diminutive black-eyed Greys to the towering, fair-skinned Nordics – and from the sinister Reptilians to the ancient Anunnaki and secretive Tall Whites – these five alien types recur in UFO lore and conspiracy theories. They originate from a mix of abduction testimonies, contactee stories, ancient myth reinterpretations, and whistleblower claims. Government disclosure on these matters remains either nonexistent or highly disputed. However, whistleblowers like Sgt. Clifford Stone have claimed the government knows of “dozens” of alien species​, and public figures like Hellyer have spoken as if at least several are present and observing us​

It’s wise to approach all such claims with skepticism – yet these narratives continue to fascinate. They form a modern mythology of sorts, reflecting humanity’s hopes and fears about life in the cosmos. Each of these five alleged species has a rich body of lore behind it, replete with specific incidents and sources that believers cite. Whether one views them as fiction or fact, they are the best-known characters in the ever-evolving saga of UFO folklore.

Sources: Key references include first-hand abduction reports (e.g. John G. Fuller’s Interrupted Journey on the Hill case), declassified memos (like the FBI’s 1950 Hottel memo referring to small alien bodies), alleged leaked files (the Majestic-12 papers), and numerous UFO research books. Notably, NASA or DoD have released no official confirmation of alien visitors. The information above is drawn from UFO literature and testimony, such as Paul Hellyer’s 2014 interview outlining multiple species​, Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretations of Sumerian texts​, and accounts collected in the Disclosure Project (e.g. Clifford Stone’s claim of 57 catalogued species​ Each species’ summary merges those sources to present what is claimed about them, rather than proven scientific facts.